Apr 162012
LVA Writes – “Today on the B61 bus – this woman sprawled her grocery bags across a row of three seats, went up front to pay her fare and when she came back she moved over a couple over to make a seat for herself. Keep in mind she may have only had 5 bags, at most. Also keep in mind she was sitting in a handicap accessible row. When an older woman indicated she wanted to sit in aforementioned row, she took quite a while to rearrange her bags to allow room for the older woman. I got off the bus before I got to see where the poor dear was forced to move her bags. Such a shame. B*tch. ”
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Elderly Woman Hosed By NY Bag Lady, 9.1 out of 10 based on 93 ratings
Tagged with: 5 bags, B61 bus, B61 Bus Route, B61 bus schedule, B61 MTA, B61 MTA Bus Schedule, bag lady, bag lady photo, grocery bads, handicap seat, handicapped seat, horrible person, humor website, M61 Bus Map, mta bus, NY Bag Lady, picture of bag lady, sitting in handicapped seat, social commentary first amendment
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[…] Take up designated handicapped/priority seats and refuse to move/take a long time to move […]